Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I went to visit my oncologist. She ordered a PET Scan for the end of September. This will be the first time I've been scanned since just after I finished chemotherapy. During my surgery they removed the tissue and tested it, so I know how well the chemo shrunk down the tumor in my breast tissue and lymph nodes. This scan will show that it did a bang up job keeping the cells from spreading anywhere else.

The worst part of the PET Scan is the diet. I have to be on a zero carb, high protein diet for the two days prior to the test. I can only eat meats, hard cheese, and a few vegetables. No fruits, no Diet Coke, no alcohol. It's rough. Then they inject me with radioactive dye, so I will be radioactive for a few hours after the test. The sheet that they gave me said "Sorry but no, you will not glow."

In addition to the PET Scan, they recommended that I get checked out by a dermatologist (always a good idea) and my optometrist, because being BRCA1+ is also linked to an increased risk of melanoma (apparently you can get melanoma in your eyes, I never knew that). Heap them on to the pile of doctors visits I already have.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Growing older (but not up!)

I'm celebrating my 29th birthday today! Most people lament getting older but, as we all know, I'm not most people. I'm one of the rare people who don't mind growing older, in fact I celebrate it! It's much better than the alternative! As I think back on my 28th year, it's amazing how much I've been through. I'm amazed that I haven't broken down or freaked out and not ever once given up.

So this year, these are the five presents I'm going to give myself that will give me joy:
1) Love everyone in my world. Let them know I love them. Let them know why I love them.
2) Cross items off my bucket list, then immediately add more.
3) Appreciate the beauty everywhere.
4) Give myself a break!
5) Stop feeding my body junk and get back to exercising.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting Through It

Someone on my message board sent this out. I loved it too much not to share.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Keep on moving

Do you know what sucks? Moving.

Do you know what sucks more than that? Moving one week after you've finished radiation treatments and are still fatigued.

Do you know what sucks more than that? Moving one week after you've finished radiation treatments and are still fatigued and after you've had a bi-lateral mastectomy with expanders making it extremely difficult to even lift boxes.

Do you know what doesn't suck? My friends. They helped me move. :)